The Ultimate Guide to Singing Bowl Tones and Frequencies

Singing Bowl Tones and Frequencies

Singing bowls, also known as Tibetan bowls, have been used for centuries in spiritual practices, meditation, and sound therapy. These beautiful instruments produce rich, resonant tones that can aid in relaxation, healing, and mindfulness. Understanding the tones and frequencies of singing bowls can enhance their use and deepen the experience for practitioners.

The Science of Sound: How Singing Bowls Work

Singing bowls produce sound through vibration. When the rim of the bowl is struck or rubbed with a mallet, it vibrates and produces sound waves. These sound waves are perceived as tones, which can vary in pitch and intensity based on several factors including the bowl’s size, shape, and material.

Materials and Their Impact on Sound

Singing bowls are typically made from a combination of metals such as copper, tin, zinc, iron, silver, gold, and nickel. Each metal contributes to the overall sound characteristics of the bowl.

  • Copper: Provides warmth and a rich tone.
  • Tin: Adds clarity and brightness.
  • Zinc: Contributes to the resonance and depth.
  • Iron: Gives strength and a grounding tone.
  • Silver: Enhances the purity of sound.
  • Gold: Infuses a soft, subtle tone.
  • Nickel: Adds a unique timbre and clarity.

Understanding Tones and Frequencies

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Image Source: Sacred waves

What Are Tones?

Tones are the distinct sounds produced by the vibration of the singing bowl. Each bowl can produce a fundamental tone and several overtones. The fundamental tone is the primary sound heard, while overtones are the higher frequency sounds that add complexity and richness to the primary tone.

Frequencies Explained

Frequency, measured in Hertz (Hz), refers to the number of vibrations per second that produce a sound. Lower frequencies result in deeper, more resonant tones, while higher frequencies produce lighter, more ethereal sounds. The frequency of a singing bowl is determined by its size, thickness, and material composition.

The Healing Power of Singing Bowl Frequencies

Singing bowls are often used in sound healing practices due to their ability to produce specific frequencies that align with the body’s energy centers, or chakras. Each chakra corresponds to a certain frequency range, and playing a bowl that matches this frequency can help to balance and harmonize the energy within the body.

In many spiritual traditions, the body is believed to have seven main energy centers known as chakras. Each chakra is associated with specific frequencies and corresponding tones. Singing bowls can be used to balance these chakras by producing the appropriate frequency for each energy center. Here is a guide to the chakra frequencies and their corresponding singing bowl tones.

Chakras and Corresponding Frequencies

ChakraFrequency Range (Hz)NoteColorAssociated Element
Root (Muladhara)256 – 396CRedEarth
Sacral (Svadhisthana)417 – 528DOrangeWater
Solar Plexus (Manipura)528 – 639EYellowFire
Heart (Anahata)639 – 741FGreenAir
Throat (Vishuddha)741 – 852GBlueEther
Third Eye (Ajna)852 – 963AIndigoLight
Crown (Sahasrara)963+BVioletCosmic Energy

According to The Daily Meditation, playing the following frequencies can influence these organs, systems, and bodily ailments:

  • 586 Hz – Circulation and Sexuality 
  • 492 Hz – Adrenals and Thyroid
  • 330 Hz – Kidney 
  • 198 Hz – Liver
  • 352 Hz – Bladder
  • 281.6 Hz – Small Intestine 
  • 220 Hz – Lungs 
  • 176 Hz – Colon 
  • 330 Hz – Gallbladder 
  • 117.3 Hz – Pancreas 
  • 110 Hz – Stomach 
  • 492 Hz – Spleen 

While we do not recommend replacing conventional treatments for serious illnesses with sound healing, we do advocate for using sound healing as a complementary therapy for any disease or sickness. Integrating sound healing with existing treatments can alleviate the stress and discomfort associated with modern treatments and medications by promoting deeper relaxation and peace.

Benefits of Sound Healing with Singing Bowls

  1. Stress Reduction: The soothing sounds of singing bowls can reduce stress and promote relaxation.
  2. Improved Focus: Regular use can enhance concentration and mental clarity.
  3. Emotional Healing: The resonant tones can release emotional blockages and promote emotional well-being.
  4. Physical Healing: Certain frequencies can aid in physical healing by promoting cellular regeneration and reducing pain.

Best Apps to Measure Sound Frequency

Sound frequency measurement is essential for musicians, audio engineers, and anyone interested in sound analysis. With the advancement of technology, measuring sound frequency has become easier with the help of smartphone apps. Here, we review the best apps available for measuring sound frequency, providing detailed insights into their features, usability, and effectiveness.

Top Sound Frequency Measurement Mobile Apps

1. Spectroid

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  • Real-time Audio Analysis: Provides a real-time spectrogram and waveform view.
  • Frequency Range: Covers a wide range of frequencies, suitable for both low and high-frequency sounds.
  • User Interface: Intuitive and easy to use, with adjustable settings for detailed analysis.
  • Data Export: Allows users to export data for further analysis.


  • High precision in frequency measurement.
  • Clear visual representation of sound.
  • Free to use with no ads.


  • Advanced features might require some learning.
  • Available only on Android.

2. Audio Spectrum Analyzer

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  • FFT Analysis: Utilizes Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) for precise frequency analysis.
  • Frequency Markers: Identifies specific frequencies within the spectrum.
  • Adjustable Parameters: Users can adjust sampling rate and FFT size for better accuracy.


  • Detailed frequency analysis.
  • Easy to read spectrogram.
  • Suitable for professional use.


  • User interface could be more modern.
  • Some features are only available in the paid version.

3. Sound Analyzer App

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  • Comprehensive Analysis: Provides a range of tools for sound analysis, including frequency, amplitude, and phase.
  • Graphical Display: Real-time graphs and charts for better understanding.
  • Record and Playback: Users can record sounds and analyze them later.


  • Multifunctional tool for sound analysis.
  • User-friendly interface.
  • Supports both iOS and Android.


  • May have occasional bugs.
  • The free version has limited features.

4. Spectral Audio Analyzer

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  • High-Resolution Display: Detailed spectrogram and waveform view.
  • Frequency Tracking: Automatically tracks and displays dominant frequencies.
  • Data Logging: Logs data over time for long-term analysis.


  • High resolution and accuracy.
  • Excellent for both professional and casual use.
  • Available on multiple platforms.


  • Can be resource-intensive.
  • The interface can be overwhelming for beginners.

5. FFT Plot

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  • Real-time FFT Analysis: Provides real-time frequency analysis using FFT.
  • Customizable Display: Users can customize the display settings for a more tailored experience.
  • Data Export: Easy export options for further data analysis.


  • Accurate and fast frequency measurement.
  • User-friendly and customizable.
  • Lightweight and efficient.


  • Limited advanced features.
  • Only available on iOS.

How to Choose the Right Mobile App for Frequency?

Consider Your Needs

  • Purpose: Determine if you need the app for casual use, professional sound engineering, or scientific analysis.
  • Platform: Check if the app is available on your smartphone’s operating system.
  • Features: Look for features that meet your specific needs, such as real-time analysis, data export, and customizable settings.


  • User Interface: Ensure the app has an intuitive interface that is easy to navigate.
  • Support and Documentation: Choose an app that provides good support and documentation for users.

Accuracy and Precision

  • Test the App: Try out a few apps to see which one provides the most accurate and reliable readings.
  • Reviews and Ratings: Check user reviews and ratings to gauge the app’s performance and reliability.

Measuring sound frequency is now more accessible than ever with the help of smartphone apps. Whether you are a musician, audio engineer, or just someone interested in sound, these apps can provide you with the tools you need for accurate and detailed sound frequency analysis. By considering your specific needs and testing different apps, you can find the perfect tool to enhance your sound measurement experience.

How to Choose the Right Singing Bowl?

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Image Source: The Opulent Essence

Size Matters

The size of the singing bowl significantly affects its tone and frequency. Larger bowls typically produce lower, more resonant tones, making them ideal for grounding and deep meditation. Smaller bowls generate higher frequencies, which are perfect for enhancing clarity and focus.

Testing the Sound

When choosing a singing bowl, it is important to test its sound. Strike the bowl with a mallet and listen to the tone and overtones. A good quality singing bowl will have a clear, sustained sound with harmonious overtones.

Visual and Aesthetic Considerations

The appearance of the bowl can also be important. Many practitioners prefer bowls with intricate designs and symbols that resonate with their personal beliefs and practices. These designs can enhance the overall experience and connection with the bowl.

How to Play Singing Bowls?

Basic Techniques

  1. Striking: Gently strike the side of the bowl with a mallet to produce a tone.
  2. Rimming: Rub the rim of the bowl with a mallet in a circular motion to sustain the tone.
  3. Water Bowl Method: Fill the bowl with a small amount of water and strike or rim the bowl. The vibrations will create patterns in the water, enhancing the visual and auditory experience.

Incorporating Singing Bowls into Meditation

Using singing bowls during meditation can deepen the practice by helping to focus the mind and align the body’s energies. Begin by striking the bowl and allowing the sound to resonate. Focus on the sound and let it guide your meditation. You can also use the bowl to signal the beginning and end of your meditation session.

Maintaining Your Singing Bowl

Cleaning and Care

Regularly clean your singing bowl to maintain its sound quality and appearance. Use a soft cloth to gently wipe the bowl. Avoid harsh chemicals that can damage the metal. Occasionally, you can polish the bowl with a mixture of lemon juice and salt to keep it shiny.


Store your singing bowl in a safe place where it won’t be knocked over or damaged. Many practitioners use a cushion or stand specifically designed for singing bowls to keep them secure and display them beautifully.


Singing bowls are powerful tools for meditation, healing, and spiritual practice. Understanding the tones and frequencies of these instruments can enhance their effectiveness and deepen your practice. By choosing the right bowl, incorporating it into your routine, and maintaining it properly, you can fully benefit from the rich, resonant sounds of singing bowls.

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