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This Dictionary of Buddhist Iconography draws on tens of thousands of index cards, microfilms, pictures, painted scrolls, statues, woodcuts, line drawings, manuscript sketches, and xylographs to depict Buddhist deities. It describes the art that developed in Asia’s hot plains and snowy peaks and spread to neighboring nations including India, Nepal, Buryatia, Mongolia, Tibet, Central Asia, China, Korea, Japan, Sri Lanka, Cambodia, Thailand, Malaysia, and Indonesia. In addition to the constantly evolving visualizations of great masters who presented an astonishing diversity of divine forms in the dharanis and sadhanas, The Dictionary is a comparative study of hitherto unheard-of geographic differences.

Set of 15 volumes

Author: Lokesh Chandra

Publisher : Aditya Prakashan

ISBN : 8177420542

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Weight 20 kg
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This Dictionary of Buddhist Iconography (Set of 15 Volumes) is available for wholesale! Kindly send us your bulk order quantities for quotation. If you have any questions, ask us.